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Software developer notes

Meet new design and brief story about backend's refactoring




Not every company uses CI, especially when the company is small. In this post I would like to share my humble experience of automation and how it has improved processes in my work.


This is story about how the small part and self-confidence caused a durable and most expensive repairment.

Today I would like to share impressions about the book by David M. Harris, Sarah L. Harris. If you would be interested in internals of a typical processor, here you will definitely find answers.


In this post I will briefly tell about special type of breakpoints, which can greatly improve an ability to debug native code.



About me

Hi! I am Alex, the author of this blog. Here are my technical (in the majority) thoughts and stories. I will be hoping that you find this site interesting and fun. Also you can feel free to contact me (support for comments will be added later).