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Software developer notes


The website you see is the idea to create something from scratch. The toy project was transformed into the full-fledged blog. Today I am going to talk about some implementation details.
As you may know, MVC design pattern can be applied in many areas, the article shows a good example (or "industrial" solutions like Drupal). This blog (its architecture is depicted below) is not exception.

There is single entry point, where all income requests are handled by front controller (the entry point can be implemented via routings - web servers like apache/nginx support it).

At response the controller triggers its request handlers, which in turn return html, generated by hierarchy of views.Among handlers, used to generate pages for users, there are privileged "service" handlers. They are invoked in order to handle admin's requests like editing of article, uploading of files etc.

During request processing the controller interacts with The Model. It's represented by object which provides some abstracion layer in order to work with stored data and encapsulate the storage's implementation. For example, I stored articles on filesystem to simplify blog's development, later the usage of database was added. Due the abstraction this replacement was hidden for the controller.


About me

Hi! I am Alex, the author of this blog. Here are my technical (in the majority) thoughts and stories. I will be hoping that you find this site interesting and fun. Also you can feel free to contact me (support for comments will be added later).