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In the previous article we created chassis. Now it's time to install hardware.
To better understand the architecture, let's take a look on key components: MCU (micontroller unit) interprets input signals. It changes direction and speed of the car via esc and steer components. Esc is intermediate electronc cirucit which controls BLDC Motor.Such engine is quite complex beast iunlike other mototors. It requires signalss of the specified form in order to work. ESC cirtcuit greatly simpilies such managmnet, moreover it can transform power from baater to power other electrnics like mcu and steer (such ferature is colled battery eleminiation circuit). Steer is servo motor which fixes leverage at specified objects.This component will be sed to set direction.


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Hi! I am Alex, the author of this blog. Here are my technical (in the majority) thoughts and stories. I will be hoping that you find this site interesting and fun. Also you can feel free to contact me (support for comments will be added later).